Ms. Harriet S. Hsieh » Introduction:謝老師的中文班


Welcome to my homepage.  I have been the instructor of Chinese at SMHS since 2011.  I enjoy every moment with my students learning and sharing what life has offered to us.


I view education as reading, writing and editing a book.  Students come to you as books.  Unlike choosing what you read, you do not and must not choose what comes to you.  Each of these books is unique with some previous contents.  You and your students work as partners to fill each page with knowledge, good thoughts, moral values, useful skills, and to edit what was there.  During the process, teachers should “soften” the “hard” things so they can be absorbed by the students.  After all, even the best has no value to you unless it is understood.


Here’s a brief about my personal and educational background:


Birthplace: Taiwan


Education:   BS in Spanish from University of Central Oklahoma

                    MS in Education from Cal State, Dominguez Hills

                    Single Subject Teaching Credential from Point Loma Nazarene University

                    CSET Pass in Mandarin Subtest I, II and III


Residence: Temple City resident for 28 years


Quotes I like:

“The man who can make hard things easy is the educator” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

人生不過如此,且行且珍惜。” – 林語堂

I teach all levels of Chinese class: Chinese 1/2, 3/4, 5/6 and AP Chinese.