Career Connection-Held Annually in March

Juniors and seniors are invited to participate in this annual career day. Sign-ups are held in early December for students who wish to participate in March. Students have the opportunity to speak with professionals from various fields and learn about their profession. The format of the day is based on the number of students participating and their stated interests, which in the past, have generally included the fields of Law, Health/Medicine, Engineering, Architecture, Business, Communications, etc. Students explore their particular career choices in the morning, then attend a luncheon hosted by the San Marino Rotary at the San Marino Woman's Club. Following lunch, students listen to a keynote speaker - generally a graduate of SMHS. Students provide their own transportation for this activity.


College Representative Meetings

Career Connection

Job Placement / Work Permits

Scholarship Information

Summer Programs

College Videos / CD Roms

College/Career Information

Regional Occupational Program

Sophomore Priority Interest Surveys