College Representative Meetings

Over 65 College Representatives visit our campus each year, beginning mid-September and running through mid-December. A data base, listing dates and times of visits, is maintained and updated weekly. The list is posted in all school offices and classrooms. Copies are available in the Career Center for students and parents to take home for reference. The San Marino community calendar, found on our Web site, also keeps an updated list of these visits. All current college posters and information sheets are posted on our board outside the College Career Center. Students stop and gather information from this board at various times throughout the day.

Pasadena City College makes regular visits to the center, during lunch hour, to assist students in the college registration process and provide current information.


College Representative Meetings

Career Connection

Job Placement / Work Permits

Scholarship Information

Summer Programs

College Videos / CD Roms

College/Career Information

Regional Occupational Program

Sophomore Priority Interest Surveys